Deep learning has been proven that it will be able to recognize a defect even if the production parts have some different variation on the threshold or machining marks.
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A barcode, consists of a series of parallel black and white bar with spaces of varying width, is a representative of data in a visual, machine-readable form.
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 Advanced Semiconductor Packaging & Chiplet Show (ASPS) is a B2B event that showcases the latest semiconductor packaging machines and solutions at a glance.
Date: 28 to 30 August 2024
Location: Suwon, South Korea
SEMICON Taiwan is a platform that connects global and Taiwan microelectronics ecosystems, bridging facilitation of smooth collaboration between the industry, government, academia and research institutes.
Date: 4 to 6 September 2024
Location: TaiNEX 1&2, Taipei
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