Machine Vision offers a fast reliable way of inspecting parts inline. Machine Vision technology allows inspection of every part of the line moving over the high-speed range.
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In today’s fast paced world, companies must keep up with the demands of their customers. Speed is often used as a differentiating factor in the business world, mainly as it is measurable.
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A barcode, consists of a series of parallel black and white bar with spaces of varying width, is a representative of data in a visual, machine-readable form.
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Deep learning has been proven that it will be able to recognize a defect even if the production parts have some different variation on the threshold or machining marks.
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3D Machine Vision is one of the most thrilling technological advancement in the industry. It is usually made up of multiple cameras with one or multiple laser displacement sensors. This 3D system allows a robot to detect differences in its physical environment and adapt accordingly.
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Machine Learning is a branch from Artificial Intelligence based on the idea that systems would be able to learn through data, identifying patterns and making decisions with little human intervention.
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